Metrogate Tagaytay Manors - AMENITIES

Featured amenities are always playful

They are family centered as well. Let us give you then one more quick tour of the Metrogate grounds. See what you care to do with yourself or your family during your time off from work. Your short tour begins at the Grand Entrance Plaza. Expect to sample a few essentials, delicacies and luxuries for your quality or family time at home tonight.

Family centered amenities too

The moon may be out and it could be a warm night tonight. You could head down to your pool to cool. During the day, however, your children can have a go with each other in their own pool. If you prefer, you can send them to their playground rather. Do make a point to spend quality time with your children, take their hands and show them around the parks.

The feel good factor

Those of you on the fitness drive can swim laps in a pool designed especially for that purpose. You can also put yourself through your paces at the Manors’ fitness center. Those of you who must always compete can thrill yourselves on the basketball court. After that, you can discuss the outcome in the clubhouse.

The developer’s target market

The target market would have to be those of you who wish to escape the fumes of busy streets. You would also like to hear a lot less noise if you do not mind. You might also just have a young family and would love it if they could finally grow up in a safe environment. And not only that, you are now a man or woman of all seasons, because today you are fully on board where reducing harmful carbon footprints is concerned.

So, it is quite a breath of fresh air to wake up in the morning to natural splendor. You are at peace with yourself, knowing that this green lung in which you and your family are living is helping to keep the air quite clean and fresh. It is quite fortuitous to be located so close to nature, but that is also down to your discerning abilities. You have done your homework in finding a naturally pleasing location that has great investment potential for the long-term.

  • Swimming Pool
  • Clubhouse
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